Hire 911 Detective
You have come to the best place to start your path for answers. With two office locations, one in Spokane and one in Post Falls, convenience and experience is right around the corner. There are a lot of Private Investigators in the Northwest and California to choose from, but they can’t offer you the experience that Mr. Pulver has brought to the area. As a former sheriff’s deputy and detective, he has developed the investigation skills and resources necessary for unbiased evidence gathering and surveillance.
Mr. Pulver is qualified for court testimony at the state and federal levels in both civil and criminal cases. He has long-standing connections in many areas throughout the Inland Northwest to provide you with the best network possible. 911 Detective also specializes in Polygraph / Lie Detection services. Mr. Pulver has been called upon by city, county, state, and federal districts for his polygraph expertise as both a tester and an instructor.
Urgent Situation?


Polygraph / Lie Detection Services
One of the key investigative tools that an experienced investigator can have is the polygraph, or lie detector. The lie detector is a truth verification device that, when used in conjunction with a structured, tactful, and professional interview, can detect if a subject is being truthful regarding his statements or is potentially misleading the investigator.

Other Investigative Services
911 Detective offers domestic, civil, and criminal investigative services. With extensive investigative experience through the United States military intelligence, Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office, and affiliations with state, local, and federal governments, our firm has been able to successfully detect and discourage public and private crime throughout the country. 911 Detective also provides unbiased evidence gathering and surveillance.
About 911 Detective

Ted Pulver has the polygraph and investigative experience needed to solve your problem now.
With a thorough knowledge and background in polygraph testing and instruction reaching back over 40 years, Mr. Pulver has been called upon by city, county, state, and federal districts for his polygraph expertise as both a tester and an instructor. As a former sheriff’s deputy and detective, he has developed the investigational skills and resources necessary for unbiased evidence gathering and surveillance. Mr. Pulver is qualified for court testimony at the state and federal levels in both civil and criminal cases.